When you are moving huge volume of containers per day, positioning them at the most optimal locations for their respective next leg and at the most economical rate is of utmost important. A fully-integrated iTMS and iCYMS that are operations centric have the ability to analyze and make decisions using real-time information derived from the respective stakeholders in the whole value chains.
In line with the business objectives to achieve excellence service, TBC has engaged KEYfields to improve and enhance the end-to-end process flow. The iTMS and iCYMS project at TBC allows the company to monitor each container’s gate-in ageing days at each leg and rotate them optimally to avoid costly demurrages. This project was successfully implemented to support a major petrol chemical customer operating from the Jurong Island Chemical Hub.
With this integration, iTMS and iCYMS enabled TBC to be more flexible, shorten waiting time and reduce unnecessary costs due to insufficient information available for decision making. KEYfields is glad to work with TBC to improve and enhance their relationships with their business partners.